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حضور المدرسة


الغايات والأهداف


يضع مجلس إدارة Captain Webb Primary أولوية عالية لتحقيق المعايير ويشعر أن الحضور الممتاز للطلاب والالتزام بالمواعيد ضروريان.


حتى يتمكن الأطفال من تحقيق إمكاناتهم ، يجب أن يكون لدى التلاميذ دافع كبير للتعلم وحريصون ومتشوقون للذهاب إلى المدرسة.


سيؤسس الحضور المنتظم والدقيق عادات جيدة ستدعمهم طوال حياتهم.

لتحقيق ذلك ، يلتزم الحكام والموظفون بالعمل في شراكة مع أولياء الأمور لضمان أن تحقق المدرسة حدًا أدنى من الحضور بنسبة 96 ٪ في جميع أنحاء المدرسة.

تتوقع الحكومة منا:


• تعزيز الحضور الجيد وتقليل الغياب ، بما في ذلك الغياب المستمر (أقل من 90٪) ؛

• ضمان حصول كل تلميذ على التعليم المتفرغ الذي يحق له.

• التصرف في وقت مبكر لمعالجة أنماط الغياب.


تعمل مدرسة Captain Webb الابتدائية بالشراكة مع أولياء الأمور والسلطة المحلية لتحسين الحضور إلى المدرسة.  

الغياب يعطل تعليم التلميذ والفصل بأكمله.  هل تعلم أن الأطفال الذين لا يحضرون بانتظام:

  • لا تحقق نتائج جيدة في الامتحانات

  • تجد صعوبة في الحفاظ على الصداقات

  • هم أكثر عرضة للتورط في الجريمة

  • تفوت على الفرص في التعليم الإضافي وعالم العمل.

كيف يقارن طفلك؟

Attendance table.jpg
لا يمكن التصريح بالغياب إلا من قبل مدير المدرسة ، ضمن الحدود التي تحددها لوائح التعليم (تسجيلات التلميذ) (إنجلترا) لعام 2006.  لا يجوز للمدراء الإذن بإجازة خلال فترة الفصل الدراسي إلا إذا كانت الظروف استثنائية. 
مسؤول الرعاية التعليمية (EWO) - هيلين كارولينا

School Opening Times

The school gates open at 8:35am and classes start at 8:45am.  Any child arriving after 8:45am will be marked as late.

It is important to ensure your child in in school for the start of class as this is an important time to settle and prepare for the day ahead as well as receiving instructions and introductions into the first lesson.
School finishes at 3:15pm.

DfE - Working Together To Improve School Attendance Guidance (including changes to penalties for absence)


From August 19th 2024 the Government have introduced a new ‘national framework for Penalty Notices’. (in Telford & Wrekin the changes apply from 1st September 2024).

 There are significant changes that parents need to be aware of:

  • If your child has 10 sessions of unauthorised absence in a 10 school week rolling period, you may be issued with a Penalty Notice. These 10 sessions may include any unauthorised absence, including leave in term time and do not have to be consecutive.

  • Penalty Notices are increasing to £160 from September 2024. This can be reduced to £80 but only for the first Penalty Notice issued, if paid within 21 days – this reduction does not apply to any subsequent Penalty Notice.

  • Any 2nd Penalty Notice, to the same parent for the same child, issued within three years of the date of the first Penalty Notice will be charged at a flat rate of £160

  • A third Penalty Notice will not be issued within a three year rolling period, to the same parent for the unauthorised absence of the same child, - alternative  action or legal measures will be utilised for subsequent offences.

  • If in an individual case the local authority believes a Penalty Notice would be appropriate, they retain the discretion to issue one before the threshold is met. For example, when a parent purposefully tries to avoid a Penalty Notice by taking their child out of school when there is only four pupil days in school and the fifth day is for example a PD day or bank holiday attached to that week.

  • In some circumstances a ‘Notice to Improve’ may be issued – However, a Notice to Improve will only be used in cases where support is appropriate. They will not be issued in cases of unauthorised leave in term time for holidays, where information for parents is included on school’s website or a simple warning by the school that a Penalty Notice could be issued if unauthorised leave in term time is taken will suffice.


‘Parents should always apply to the Headteacher for any request for leave in term time by completing a request form available from school.  (DfE guidance states schools should not authorise leave retrospectively so any leave in term time taken without a request being submitted will be unauthorised absence)’.

In developing and publishing the new national framework, the Government has renewed appeals to parents not to take their children out of school during term time.  The Governors and Headteacher of this school support this and students will only be given permission to take leave in term time if there are exceptional circumstances. The DfE Guidance Working Together to Improve School Attendance (Aug 2024) states that: Generally, the DfE does not consider the need or desire for a holiday or other absence for the purpose of leisure and recreation to be an exceptional circumstance. (Paragraph 38.)


 Each application for leave in term time will be considered and if it is agreed and authorised the Headteacher will determine the duration of any leave. However, if the application is not agreed and the absence occurs the dates will be unauthorised. Parents will be notified of any decision in writing. This notification may be hand delivered directly to the parent or posted to the parents’ home address.

As a school we are asked to inform you that in line with Telford and Wrekin Council Policy, if your child is absent for 10 school sessions within a 10 week rolling period and that absence is unauthorised, you may be subject to a Penalty Notice fine, criteria is as detailed above.

Below is the presentation shared with parents (on the 7/10/2024) outlining the changes to Working together to Improve Attendance (released Aug 2024), and how it will affect parents.



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