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بيان تصميم المناهج
النية والتنفيذ والتأثير


هدفنا هو تزويد أطفالنا بمناهج جذابة ومثيرة وتمكينية تسمح لهم بالتطوير كمواطنين واثقين ومسؤولين ومجهزين بالمهارات التي ستسمح لهم بالنجاح في عالمنا المتغير باستمرار ، في كل من الحاضر والمستقبل.

نحن نؤمن بأن الطفولة يجب أن تكون وقتًا سعيدًا واستقصائيًا واستفساريًا في حياتنا.  نحن نقدم باستمرار فرص الإثراء (تجارب لا تُنسى) لإشراك المتعلمين وتطوير رأس مالهم الثقافي الذي تم الاعتراف به على أنه ضروري إذا كان للأطفال أن ينجحوا.

نعتقد أنه لا ينبغي لأطفالنا الوصول إلى أفضل مستوياتهم أكاديميًا فحسب ، بل يجب عليهم أيضًا تطوير التعطش للمعرفة وتعزيز حب التعلم وترك مدرستنا بمهارات تعليمية مستقلة استثنائية.

نحن ملتزمون تمامًا بتطوير الإمكانات الفريدة لكل طفل في بيئة آمنة ورعاية.

نحن نستخدم قيم Captain Webb لتعزيز المواقف الإيجابية للتعلم:

L isten



ص اسبكت


تعد المشاركة المجتمعية جزءًا لا يتجزأ من دعوة العائلات والزائرين لتسهيل تعلم مهارات جديدة ومشاركة الخبرات الجديدة مثل التجمعات ونتائج المناهج وأيام المجتمع. يساهم الأطفال أيضًا بشكل منتظم في دعم وتطوير مجتمعهم المحلي.  هذا مهم لضمان شعور أطفالنا بالانتماء وتقدير المجتمع الذي يعيشون فيه.

Each year group have a curriculum overview which maps out the whole year curriculum planning.  Each subject leader will have a long-term plan which sets the learning for the year for their subject area.  Progression documents have been created to ensure full coverage of the National Curriculum.  These have been developed following research and advice from expert leaders in education.

Medium-term plans are created from progression documentation and longer-term plans to ensure coherent coverage of key knowledge, skills and concepts and clear progression routes over a sequence of lessons.  Prior learning is evident on plans which supports teachers with ensuring key knowledge is revisited. Senior leaders and subject leaders will monitor planning for compliance.

Reading is a high priority for the school where the selection of texts has been thought about carefully and invested in heavily.  Text have been carefully mapped out to ensure they compliment the wider curriculum at an appropriate age-related standard.   There is a commitment for children to gain a love of reading which is evident through the reading areas throughout school. 


Teachers react to the needs of the children and each cohort to ensure that the children’s needs are being met.  Whether this is through SEND or cohort specific needs.  The emotional needs of the children are met through a variety of external and internal specialists including a play therapist, counsellor, educational psychologist, LSAT, Mental Health Support Practitioner, behaviour and SEND outreach, Talk and drawing and ELSA.


Children are immersed in a variety of experiences throughout their time at Captain Webb Primary & Nursery.  These are often at the start of new learning to enhance their understanding and support children within knowing more and remembering more. 

Forest school is available to all pupils throughout the year to enhance the children’s love of learning and enquiry skills.  They gain lifelong skills outside of classroom environment.  During their time at Captain Webb Primary & Nursery, children will have the opportunity to attend Arthog Outreach (Y3 &Y5), Arthog residential (Y4) and France in Y6.

Assessment for learning opportunities take place in lesson to assess prior knowledge and information gained in a lesson.  Teachers use these to address any misconceptions.

To support our assessment of the core subjects (English, Mathematics and Science) we use Ruth Miskin Assessments for RWI, Salford Reading ages, Fluency assessments, White Rose Mathematical tests & Rising Stars for Science.  We capture data at 3 points across the academic year at the end of the of the Autumn, Spring and Summer Term to ensure that all children are making at least expected progress.


By the time children leave Captain Webb Primary & Nursery, they have the appropriate knowledge and skills required to be secondary ready. 


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