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Autumn Reading Reviews

By Harry Boden & Oliver Marsh ( Library Leadership Team Members)

STONE AGE BOY by Satoshi Kitamara

This is about a boy in the modern age that fell through a dangerous hole into the stone age era. It’s a great adventure story because he takes you on a journey about life in the stone age. The boy meets a mysterious girl who belongs to a tribe. She is shocked by his clothes and appearance and can’t understand where he has come from. She decides to teach him all about her way of life. She shows him how to use stone age tools and weapons and quickly changes his clothes.

We really enjoyed this story because we learnt so much about life in the Stone Age.

By Shivani Ray (Library Leadership Team Member)


This book is about a lot of children who annoy everyone and even their parents. There are 10 children in total and they all get up to mischief. My favourite character is Humber the hungry baby because he is so greedy. He eats everything and I mean everything. He even gobbles up the cat!

It’s a funny story with lots of twists and turns.

Get your copy today from our amazing library.

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