Our School Council have put together a 'Playground Charter', this is like an agreement or a set of guidelines and advice that will improve behaviour on the playground. They presented the charter during a class assembly and have designed a sign to go on display in the playground.
They have asked for a reward system to encourage good behaviour at playtime, using the traffic light system. They would like this outside, using magnetic names on metal traffic lights, if children stay on green all week they could get one of these reward ideas:
A golden box of playground equipment
10 minutes extra playtime a week
Dojo points
A special area of the field that these children can play on in the summer.
We think that all children should be able to have fun and stay safe at playtimes. If we all follow this charter, our playtimes will be an enjoyable experience for all. In order for everyone to understand follow the charter, they have requested that the rules are printed on to boards and displayed in the playground. And teachers and grown ups need to help everyone stick to the charter.